The International Rock Climbing Research Association (IRCRA) was founded in 2011 during the 1st International Rock Climbing Research Congress, which was held at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
The mission of the IRCRA is to bring researchers and climbers together to improve our understanding of the sport and to assist each other in improving climbing performance, teaching and coaching and our interaction with the environments in which climbing takes place.
As part of this role we have established this website to serve and an online meeting place for researchers. The contact details for the IRCRA Executive Committee and current members are published on these web pages.
A register with details of past publications in the field can be found on our website, to assist researchers and climbers who are searching for information about our sport. An on-line forum has also been established, which provides a contact point for researchers and climbers around the world. The intention of this forum is to create new collaborations to further improve our understanding of the sport and to provide opportunity for on-going international and national knowledge exchange.
The IRCRA members meet every two years and our most recent Congress was held in Tokyo, in November 2021.

IRCRA Head Office
Sports Science Laboratory
K1 Building
University of Canterbury
New Zealand